Why Should Your Business Invest in a Personal Duress Alarm System?

Lone workers pose a great degree of financial risk to any business that has employees working alone. As a business owner, you will agree that if you have hired lone workers. Additionally, it is your legal duty and moral obligation to care for your lone staff members. On top of that, employers who do not take proper steps to protect their high-risk workers face high stress levels, low productivity levels, and steep staff churn costs. Besides, the employers who ignore the safety of a lone worker face private litigations too. These employers are bound to pay sky-high legislative costs whenever they breach the legal protocols established for a worker’s safety. Now, let us understand why your business should get a personal duress alarm for your lone workers. The benefits of a personal duress alarm system You may want to ask why should you use a duress alarm system in the first place. It is natural to have questions regarding the upsides of having a personal alarm. Peopl...